Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 10

It is 2 for 1 weekend here at This Bridge Won't Burn! Due to last weekend's MASSIVE assignment, and the way this past week has gone, I am posting for TWO, count 'em, TWO weeks of blogs in one weekend!

You lucky ducks, you...

Ahhh, Monday. You are one day I look forward to least of all. It's not your fault, I don't imagine you asked to be the most loathed day of the week, yet here you are again. I wound up staying up too late on Sunday, watching the Oscars. In all reality, the only reason I stayed up was to watch Idina Menzel perform "Let it Go". Naturally, she wasn't on until well after 11. I participated in many the facebook discussions about the outfits, the winners, the performances, the selfie that broke twitter, and Travolta slaughtering poor Idina's name. has created a "Travoltify Your Name" generator. It's kind of awesome.

So naturally, I didn't make my workout on Monday.

I would like to interject what is probably the BEST video I have seen from the red carpet. Kevin Spacey is interviewed by BuzzFeed, and the interviewer asks him the types of questions that the female celebrities are often asked. His responses are hilarious. I will warn you, he does drop the f-bomb twice at the end of the video (it is bleeped out), but it just cracks me up none the less. Probably because of his reaction at the end.

Tuesday came around, trying to make up for Monday's shenanigans. I went to the gym and had a pretty typical day. Nothing too extraordinary happening today. Even though it's Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras, it was a pretty typical day. I've hand a punzcki once, maybe twice in my life. I've never been overly impressed by them, and I can find several other things that I like a lot better that I'd be willing to maw down on to get the calories that I'd get from a punzcki. I figure, if I'm going to eat that many calories in one sitting, it better be something that makes it completely worth it. And I just don't feel that way about punzcki. Met up with my parents for dinner. We had tried to do dinner at the local steakhouse a few weeks ago, but we didn't consider the fact that it was a weekend, and that's the only decent restaurant in town. So we went tonight instead. I wound up getting a burger. I know, I know, who gets a burger at a steakhouse? Apparently this girl!

And then came Wednesday. This isn't just any Wednesday, this one's Ash Wednesday. The kick-off to Lent. I didn't make it to mass, because I finished my dinner after 7, and then thought to look at what time mass started. It started at 7... so I was ash-less this year. I decided this year that I am giving up social media (such as facebook, instagram, twitter, and pinterest [which I know isn't really "social media", but it is so tempting to look at and waste time on!]) and tv. So today started my absence from most technology.

It is HARD!

I actually clicked on both facebook and pinterest in my firefox browser Wednesday night. I exited the browser before the pages could fully load. I listened to probably a good 5 chapters in "Allegiant" before finally going to bed.

Thursday was another morning meeting, so no workout. I had to fight the temptation several times to not check out what was happening on facebook, especially when I was getting the notifications on my phone.

I swear, I NEVER get this many notifications from facebook in one day. I blame you people, who claim to be my friends but are sending me links, and messages, and tagging me in posts. You can't even let me make it two days?! You. Are. Jerks. (but I love you anyways).

Friday, I made it to the gym. Today is parent teacher conference day, so that makes it a short day for the kids, but a l-o-n-g day for us! After I got home, I had some dinner and jumped on the computer to do my discussion homework for school. While I was sitting in the silence, debating curriculum and standardized testing, I kept hearing a noise.

At first, I thought it was my blinds moving a bit. I should have known better.

I quickly realized that I was hearing mice scurrying in the walls of my apartment. I hate hearing them, because I worry that they'll somehow figure out a way into my apartment. These buildings are a bit older, and you never know if everything is as sealed as it should be. I decided the best thing to do was to share my misery, so I turned the volume up on my phone, and recorded a video of my wall so you can hear the mice running around, and I sent it via snapchat to my cousin with a description.

I feel that this was a productive use of 2 minutes of my time.

Saturday I got up and made my workout. Then came back and crashed for a couple of hours. Got around and did some things in the apartment that have needed to be done. Decided to go see Frozen, since it's still playing in Flint. Got cleaned up, dried my hair, and then laid down for a nap for a little bit. Wound up waking up 2 hours later - an hour and a half after my alarm was supposed to go off! Apparently my body decided that I was going to get accustomed to the time change in its own way! Got around and made it to Frozen just as the previews were starting.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 9

**I realize that I am nearly a week behind in posting this blog. I meant to get it last weekend, but with my project for school (read below) I just didn't have time to get to it on Sunday. And throughout the week, I couldn't seem to find a chance or focus before now.**

I have to admit, last week was just an off week for me. I didn't make it to the gym as many times as I would have liked. I don't think I am ever going to get accustomed to 4 AM workouts...

Monday, I wound up sleeping in. I wound up not getting to bed until late on Sunday, so I over slept on Monday. Don't get me wrong, the extra bit of sleep was nice to have, I just wish I had been able to get myself up and moving like I wanted!

Tuesday I was up and at the gym. I'm not sure which is better to walk/run to, my workout mix of songs, or the final book in the Divergent trilogy (Allegiant) on the Audible app on my phone. I've been listening to the book on the days where I don't plan on doing as much running because my ankle is bothering me or whatever. The music I find tends to be a better motivator for the running, because I have fast paced music saved for my workouts. Eventually I'll get around to posting the list of songs. I'm always happy to take suggestions, as my current list gets me through about 2-3 workouts before starting over again.

Wednesday and Thursday were rest days, because I usually have morning meetings. But both of those meetings were cancelled or rescheduled. I still slept in, just for the pure ability to do so. Even though I missed Monday, and I should have used one of them as a make up day!

I had an appointment Friday, so I took the day off from work. I wound up staying up late on Thursday in an attempt to complete my homework, so I could actually have a weekend.

I should have known better.

So I didn't make my workout on Friday, because I slept in. Then I was up late on Friday and Saturday in an attempt to crank through my Capstone A project so that I could submit it on time (on Sunday).

I'm wondering at what point in my academic career I will realize that procrastination is NOT a good idea?!

Some of you know, when I was at Siena, I had a public speaking class. One of the speeches we had to give was a "how to" speech. I spent a lot of time trying to come up with something that would be fresh and fun, because a lot of people had done things like, "How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich" or "How to Tie Your Shoes". These were meant to be easy speeches, but I wanted something that hadn't been done before.

I'm pretty sure you can guess as to where this sucker is going...

At what wasn't quite the last minute, I came up with probably THE MOST brilliant idea ever. I was going to give a speech on how to properly procrastinate. I'm pretty sure that this was literally the best speech I have ever given in my nearly 30 years on this planet. I could give a speech on this topic like a professional. I had a flow chart for my visual (and not just any flowchart, this bad boy had PIZZAZZ); I had a breakdown of the time frame in which everything happens before a large assignment is due; and I even made a point of starting off my speech by putting up my flow chart and then telling the class that I figured it was pretty obvious as to what my speech was about, but I had unfortunately procrastinated so much that the flowchart was the only thing I got done. Among the slightly nervous, maybe even unbelieving laughter of my classmates sat my professor who's jaw practically hit the floor.

Again, I have to say, the best speech I've ever given, because you just can't make that up.