Thursday, January 2, 2014

Week 1, Day 1

So today I signed up for my first ever 5k run.

Holy crap.

But I have plenty of time to train (it's not until July 12). I could have signed up to run in the Kzoo race in April, but, I don't know what my schedule for school looks like yet and that gets to be a busy time for work. And traveling for that would take an entire weekend that I just don't think that I have. Doing the race in July allows me to get things done for school ahead of time, and I won't be working during that time. Plus, it's closer, so it won't take up an entire weekend.

I've paid for registration, so I'm doing this - no matter what! At this point, I'm excited. We'll see how long that feeling remains once I start training for this sucker. I plan on beginning tomorrow morning unless I count my walking over to the office to pay my rent in this snow storm as my initial training...

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