Saturday, February 8, 2014

Week 6

I have learned that no matter how old I get to be, my klutziness will continue to persist. After twisting my ankle a few weeks ago while playing volleyball, I was finally getting to a point where I felt like I didn't have to wear my ankle brace as often.

Then Wednesday I slipped on some melted snow in the gym and fell. This caused my ankle to flare up a bit, I landed on my knee, which is scraped and slightly swollen, and twisted my back.

I am a walking disaster!

So I've been going to the gym, but I've just been walking until I get back to 100%. It's frustrating though, because I have always been a klutz, but I just figured eventually I would outgrow it. I'm staring down 30's arrival, and I'm still injuring myself in stupid ways!

When I was a kid, I was in the ER so often due to stupid injuries that I had my own Emergency Room Fast Pass type of card. The first time my parents gave it to the nurse for one of my trips, she was surprised, because usually the hospital only gives those to old people!

Here's an example of how my life has gone: I once took a nose dive out of our pop-up trailer as I was walking out the door, because my shorts got caught on the door handle. I completely destroyed the door handle, my shorts, and my pride!

Yet to this point, the only thing I've ever broken has been a toe. I've gotten strains and sprains, but luckily that's about as bad as it's gotten.

Last night after I finished my homework, I started putting together my vanity that I picked up last weekend. It's been pretty easy to put together (despite the instructions looking like something from Ikea),

but I ran into a couple of snags as I was putting it all up. Like, the company doesn't send enough washers (I'm short two, even though they package the exact amount shown in the list of items. Just when you look at the directions, it calls for two more than what is sent) and I snapped a screw in half while screwing two pieces together by hand.

So I had to pick up a drill this morning (It's small, and it's pink!) (I'm such a girl), which is charging now so that I can put a new screw in to finish putting everything together.The only thing I have left to put together is the mirror stand and the mirror. I can't do anything more until I finish screwing the two pieces together in the mirror stand.

I'll post some updated photos once the vanity is completely done. It's bright yellow, which I LOVE!

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